Character Leadership - The Character of Enthusiasm
“The feeling of positive uncertainties drives me and excites me.” –Unknown |
Definition: A feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and an eagerness to be involved in it.
Indifference, Apathy and Laziness are the opposites of enthusiasm. We cannot live life without enthusiasm! Period. Enthusiasm plays a big part in our personal growth; without it, we are not motivated to lead our lives in work and even personal relationships. We do our job and relate to others out of obligation, we become dry, and become unable to absorb what we are to learn from our surroundings. We give up and use all kinds of excuses, such as lack of time or fatigue. When our mental lives suffer, so does our ability to relate our experience to others, and we become ineffective leaders in the society we live in.
Enthusiasm will enable us to overcome disappointments and setbacks in life so we can be positive, optimistic, and keep up our interest, attitude, and zeal, even when things are harsh and not going our way. Enthusiasm is the fuel that empowers and enables a person and gives him/her the passion for the task that he/she has been given. Along with this passion will come the natural desire that we do our best for others and ourselves.
We often get lost along the way of life. We certainly do. When we do get lost, the character of enthusiasm acts like a natural magnetic field that gives us a direction to move on in life. It is direction that springs from within us and with this; we will have the necessary energy to go on, to fight on and to live on!
Ask yourself; “What are the issue is my life that would improve with more enthusiasm?” To be successful, we must strive for excellence and not settle for poor, half-hearted efforts. If we commit ourselves to this all the time, we will be able to do most or even all things well. Do not get discouraged when we meet failures. We have to view setbacks as lessons to be learnt and pick ourselves up every time we fail and we will get better as we move on and progress.
As Character leaders, we must extend ourselves to other people with enthusiasm and what flows out of enthusiasm are motivation, patience and renewal of spirit. Some jobs are interesting whilst others are boring. It takes great character to treat the less interesting ones as just as important. It opens up opportunities. People like and respect those who are alert and quick to provide support. Their energy fills others with enthusiasm. Be one and live life to the fullest!
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