Character is not a religion. It transcends all religion and is a universal standard inscribed in the heart and conscience of every person. It deals with the daily struggles of human nature. It is what motivates a person to do what is right and just.

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Character of Cautiousness

Character Leadership - The Character of Cautiousness

“You cannot test courage with cautiousness” –Annie Dillard 

Definition:  Careful to avoid potential problems or dangers.

Careless attitude, Recklessness, Irresponsibility, and Haste are the opposites of cautiousness. These allow our excitement and unmanaged boldness to control us. Under this circumstance, we will usually make silly mistakes and choices. If we permit unrestrained passions to direct us, we may lead and ruin our family and personal life in the wrong direction.

Cautiousness is being discerning and sensitive to danger so we do not rush into things when the timing is wrong, or the situation does not merit it. Being cautious acts as a check and balance as a governor on our passions and excitement so we do not get overexcited and ruin and offend people along the path of our chosen route.

Cautiousness allows us to gain better information and council before we make decisions and allow us to think before we act so we do not rush into something that is precarious or hazardous, or that will put us on the wrong track in life. We will be able to see what and how the options and decisions we make play out in the future, how they affect us and others—both now and also down the road. We can be sensitive, avoiding people who are not right for us, who may influence us to make bad decisions.  

Cautiousness is not the opposite of boldness, nor is it an excuse to slow down to the point we are not doing anything, and let fears and negativities take over us. Being cautious and bold are two characters traits that work together so we can live a life with good judgments and make good decisions to move forward in life to better prospects and opportunities.


Ask yourself; “How can I make cautiousness function better, stronger, and faster, even in times of uncertainties and stress?” When we are cautious, we are careful and discerning during time of stress and uncertainties. This will build in us the ability to make solid opinion and decisions and act with effectiveness and prudence.

As Character leaders, we must extend ourselves to other people with cautiousness and what flows out of cautiousness are good choices and good decisions. Dealing with people is perhaps the most difficult task in life if we look at it objectively and not pessimistically. It is difficult because we are dealing with emotions and it is an intangible element that dictates a person’s behavior.  Being cautious will help us learn how to effectively deal with people. Dealing with matters will then be a breeze if we can effectively deal with people with cautiousness.

The Character of Boldness

Character Leadership - The Character of Boldness

“People who make no mistakes lack boldness and the spirit of adventure. They are the brakes on the wheels of progress” –Dale. E. Turner  

Definition:  The quality of standing out strongly and distinctly with confident in what I do or say is true, tight and just.

Cowardice, Fearfulness, Cynicism, Negativity, Discouragement, and Pessimism are the opposite of boldness. These negative traits create a negative attitude that is infectious to others. It causes people not to take the chance to go forward and venture out to do the right thing. Character Leaders speaks the truth and perform a task with passion and conviction regardless of the barriers or fear they encounter. They do so with calculated cautiousness without the fear of consequences or results.  

Character Leaders know that boldness cannot stand alone because if it did, it would be pride at work in us. The character of boldness must be tempered by other character traits like cautiousness, wisdom, discernment and discretion etc so that it can be synergized and powerful when executed. It is worthwhile the note “forcefulness of our personality” is not boldness. Boldness comes from the confidence we have in life. Hence, our attitude to improve ourselves with reading and observation of our surroundings will directly affect our ability to venture beyond our limits and comfort zones to engage in simple things in life; from helping a stranger in need and approaching a task or a person with confidence to express your needs or concerns.


Ask yourself;What are the issue in my life that can improve with more Boldness? Do I allow obstacles to block my path to progress and cave in to fear?” Have you ever looked back and regretted you should have done certain things you wanted to? If you are always regretting your decisions, you have to seek a mentor in life to teach you the character of boldness. There is a BIG difference between faintheartedness and cautiousness. 

As Character leaders, we must extend ourselves to other people with boldness and what flows out of boldness are gentleness and respect. Forcing our personality and approaching a situation with anger is not boldness. A character leader understands that in order to be bold, he/she must also have the character of cautiousness so that others will extend their respect. However, boldness usually comes with anger and this is why it is always seem as an aggressive behavior. It is good to note that anger in itself is not wrong if it is controlled anger. Controlled anger is a form of our natural defense to protect us from people that want to harm us.    

The Character of Availability

Character Leadership - The Character of Availability

“See things as you would have them be instead of as they are” – Robert Collier  

Definition:  The quality of being at hand when needed.

Irritate, indifferent, hassling, inconveniencing others are the opposite of availability. These imply the ability to ignore and put people down, when we are called to embrace and exercise self-responsibility and opportunity responsibility to help those who need help and lift them up. It is the refusal to make use of the available time, talents, and resources to meet those needs, or to help accomplish the desired results to which will give us fulfillment in life.  

As character leaders, when we learn to be available to others including family and friends, we will realize relationship with these people will become better, because pride and hoarding will be eliminated, as well as materialism because we help others unconditionally. Character leaders can sacrifice their time, talents, and even money to help those who truly need help and it should flow willingly from within him or her, with joy and gladness.

When we are in a healthy relationship with our family and friends, we reap the benefits of health and vitality mentally and even physically      


Ask yourself, “Do I strive to be available to others as a reflection of who I am as a character leader or do I do it because it shows to others I am a character leader?” We can make a difference without having good character. It is possible simply because we have an agenda to help others. It can be good deeds too but sadly, such people pretend to be of service to others, because it helps in their personal agenda. The interesting is that others can smell the lack of integrity in these helps offered.

As Character leaders, we must be ready to avail ourselves to other people with love and what flows out of love is availability. This should be clear to us.  A character leader is always ready to respond with love and sincerity to those who need help because when we offer ourselves to help others; we become part of the solution. If we run away from a situation that we can do something about, we become part of the problem.

The Character of Attentiveness

Character Leadership - The Character of Attentiveness

“Attentiveness builds relationship” –Anonymous    

Definition:  The trait of being observant and paying full attention to others, self and surroundings.

Neglect, Gossip, Strife, and being Mean are the opposites of attentiveness. From birth to death, we have the need for someone to be attentive and listen to us. One of the main problems facing human interaction today that causes conflicts is the lack of listening. Each of us has a deep need to be heard and cared for, be it a casual conversation or a deep therapy session. A good character leader knows that being heard is a lot like being loved, so, we must take this matter seriously, and grow in this skill as a leader. To be a character leader, you must know how, and be willing, to listen. This will create the attentiveness our family and friends need.  

Attentiveness is a natures’ gift that is for everyone Listening is something we all can do, even if one is deaf or blind. It is a body language. Attentiveness is a natural ability, and a skill that can be improved by simply turning it on and letting it work. We can also learn techniques to improve this ability. Attentiveness strengthens discernment and discretion of a person.


          Ask yourself, “Have I been attentive to my family?” Our family is our major if not, the most important support system we can ever have in life. Many a times, our family is usually attentive to our needs especially from our parents. Did you reciprocate that attentiveness to them? A character leader takes care of the family as a top priority in life.

          As Character Leaders, we must extend ourselves to other people with attentiveness and what flows out of attentiveness are in-depth learning and improved relationship. Relationships are built on listening. The relationship between a husband and wife is as good as their ability to listen. The character leader is as good as his/her ability to listen. The words that we hear are not as important as the care and effort put into them; the effect of listening is that the words are not all of the meaning of the message. The primary focus in communication is the hearer and receiver of the communication in relationship to each other, which means that the care is usually more important than the words.